By: Jessica Patterson
How much does a website cost?
Depending on who you ask, a website could cost anywhere from $100 to $50,000. To the average consumer, it is difficult to understand how something as standard as a website, could vary so widely in price. People have been making websites since the Internet boom in the 90’s and there are proven and established ways to do it well. As a piece of technical equipment, a website is simple– an HTML and CSS file. There are many online resources to help you build your own website for free. I teach kids how to build websites at Code Camp by Red Sunflower.

A great website communicates the value of a dynamic organization.
In 2017, I started to take advantage of today’s digital economy. I understood that in today’s world, a premium website and active social media is much more powerful and cost-effective than traditional marketing tools like business cards and billboards. At the beginning, I was frustrated because things happened very slowly. I was doing a lot of work and not seeing the results that I expected. No one was seeing or appreciating the content I worked so hard to make. I thought about quitting. I questioned all of my methods and decisions. I did extensive research on the best e-commerce methods– only to realize that there is no quality research. While websites are old-hat, e-commerce is brand spanking new. The Internet’s potential as a business medium has no known limit. Technology companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook make mind-boggling amounts of money and it’s hard to even understand how. Believe it or not, I’ve figured out the secret. It’s a delicate little blend of technology, creativity, and business savvy. If you want to learn how to build your own website, sign up for Code Camp.

If you’re ready to start growing your website with Red Sunflower, build a quote with our Quote Generator app.
While things started out slow in the beginning, they did not stay that way. Eventually, people began to show interest in Red Sunflower websites. One of the first things people wanted to know was the price. People didn’t care how much work I put into making the best websites available. They didn’t care about the technical skill that went into custom-coding every WordPress theme. They wanted a number. So I gave them one. At first, my quotes were all over the place. I knew that people in the area were being quoted $20,000 for a website and I couldn’t understand why. From a consumer stand-point, I could not see any discernible difference between Red Sunflower websites and the competition. I couldn’t see the difference because I wasn’t confident in my skills or abilities. I didn’t know how to communicate my value to potential customers. I wasn’t sure then, as I am now, that I build the best websites in Charleston, SC.

Eventually, I got tired of building quotes. I got tired of putting my time and energy into creating a perfect quote only to find out that the prospect was “just looking” or “already undergoing an update” in other words, the price was not the issue— the issue, I found, is that when clients asked me for a quote, they were not ready to buy. Starting or updating a website is a big project. When you’re planning a big project, like a website, you need to know early on how much it will cost. That’s why I built the Quote Generator app.
The Quote Generator is custom-built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Red Sunflower’s business medium is the Internet. I had to create a tool that was easily accessible on every internet-connected device. So I built a web app. Most people are familiar with apps they download from their phone’s ‘store’ (these are called native apps). Some people are reluctant to download new apps because they have limited storage space on their phone. Others, are (understandably) concerned about their data privacy. Web apps eliminate both problems. They are easily accessed from any phone, tablet, or computer that can connect to the internet. There is no need to download an external application to your personal device. When you’re done with the app, simply close the tab. Big tech companies like Google have invested heavily in web apps because they recognize that this technology is the future.

The Quote Generator helps Red Sunflower land more, quality clients.
The Quote Generator and, by extension, is a valuable member of my team. The Red Sunflower is a phenomenal salesperson. She flows through each phase of the sales cycle with unmatched consistency. The Red Sunflower always follows up and never forgets anyone’s name. She treats everyone the same because she is not burdened by the racial, sexual, or socio-economic bias that plagues us humans. The Red Sunflower is a website building machine and she wants to go to work for your business.

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