By: Jessica Patterson

Shenette is a prime example of the high quality technical talent that Code Camp aims to support and develop.
Shenette received a scholarship to attend Code Camp in 2020. Code Camp in 2020 was unique due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. We held Code Camp remotely rather than in-person like in previous years and accepted adult learners for the first time. We found that offering Code Camp online made the program accessible to more people.
During Code Camp Shenette was attentive, engaged, curious, and creative.
She went above and beyond the standard website and created a fully functioning ecommerce store during the four days of Code Camp. On her own, she also built a portfolio website to showcase her work. Check it out here.
After Code Camp was over, I reached out to Shenette to see if she was interested in developing her skills further through paid training.
During her paid training Shenette helped complete two Client websites. She asked good questions and wrote code that was useful.
Later, Shenette provided vital feedback on our internal task management system by using it to build and maintain Red Sunflower websites. Her work helped develop internal protocols to balance the dueling interests of intuitive collaboration and cybersecurity.
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